
An administrative court ruled Tuesday that the Egyptian military had wrongly violated the human rights of female demonstrators by subjecting them to “virginity tests” intended to humiliate them.

The decision was the first to address a scandal arising from one of the military’s first crackdowns on protesters, on March 9, less than a month after it seized power with the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. And the ruling was also the first time since the military takeover that a civilian court has attempted to exert judicial authority over the ruling generals, who have suspended the Constitution and set themselves up as the only source of law.

Dear All,

I am writing to you to tell you about the situation in Egypt at the moment, as I am not sure about the accuracy of the media. Last Friday there was a huge demonstration in Tahrir Square calling for ending the military rule, to end military trials for civilians (more than 12,000 civilians have been referred to military tribunals) and to object to the supra constitutional principles. There was a huge numbers from different communities that attended the demonstration and most of them left the Square by evening.

GULU, Uganda (WOMENSENEWS)--Rebels with the Lord's Resistance Army abducted Florence Ayot, 31, in 1989, when she was 9 years old. She served as a wife to Dominic Ongwen, a rebel commander who is now wanted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity and war crimes. Ayot had two children with Ongwen, a daughter, 8, and son, 6.

She says she used to want to escape, but now she'd rather still be in captivity because she hasn't been able to rebuild her life here. Villagers constantly give her unwanted attention because of her former husband.

Police closed down the Fiji’s Women’s Rights Movement’s (FWRM) retreat and planning at the Pearl resort in Pacific harbor this morning. At around 9.30am, a police officer, known as Tomu, from the Central Investigation Department asked the hotel event coordinator whether FWRM had a permit. The information was relayed to the FWRM Executive Director, Virisila Buadromo, who informed him that the event was an internal FWRM planning.

عثر اليوم السبت 23 أفريل على جثة الأستاذ المفقود أحمد كرومي الذي اختفى منذ يوم الثلاثاء الماضي، وهو أستاذ جامعي وناشط في التنسيقية الوطنية من أجل التغيير والديمقراطية، في حدود الساعة الواحدة في مكتب حزب الحركة الديمقراطية الاجتماعية بوهران.
وقد تم العثور على جثة المفقود من طرف عضو في الحزب قدم إلى المكتب من أجل الحصول على ختم، حيث اتصل مباشرة بالشرطة التي فتحت تحقيقات في ملابسات هذه الوفاة الغامضة.
وقد نقلت جثة البروفيسور كرومي إلى مصلحة حفظ الجثث بمستشفى وهران ، في جو حزين، وبحضور الكثير من أصدقائه وناشطين في مجال حقوق الإنسان والصحافيين أيضا.

Les autorités algériennes doivent mener une enquête détaillée et indépendante sur la mort du militant du Mouvement démocratique et social (MDS) et de la Coordination nationale pour le changement et la démocratie section d'Oran (CNCD), Ahmed Kerroumi. La demande a été formulée, ce mercredi 27 avril, par le rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur le droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, Frank La Rue, dans un communiqué publié sur le site de cette organisation. « Une telle action, conjuguée à une condamnation publique de la part du gouvernement, est indispensable pour garantir que cet acte odieux n'aura pas d'effet dissuasif sur la liberté d'expression dans tout le pays », a‑t‑il estimé.

The independent United Nations expert on the right to freedom of opinion and expression today called on the Algerian Government to investigate the killing of a political activist he had met on a recent official visit to the North African nation and to bring those responsible to justice.

Ahmed Kerroumi reportedly disappeared on 19 April and his body was found in his office four days later. He was a professor at the University of Oran, and member of the opposition party Democratic and Social Movement and the Oran section of the National Coordination for Change and Democracy.

Cinq jours après sa disparition, le cadavre d'Ahmed Kerroumi, âgé de 53 ans, enseignant universitaire, militant du MDS et membre de la Coordination nationale pour le changement et la démocratie (CNCD) d’Oran, a été retrouvé samedi au siège du MDS à Oran. Présent sur les lieux, le correspondant d'El Watan à Oran a confirmé cette information qui a fait le tour de la toile provoquant ainsi l'indignation de tous les internautes Algériens. 

“M. le président, je vous écris du Bahreïn, après avoir été victime d’une terrible injustice que je ne souhaiterais à personne d’autre au monde. Les forces de sécurité ont attaqué ma maison, enfoncé les portes à coups de massue et terrorisé ma famille. Sans aucun avertissement, sans aucun mandat d’arrêt et sans fournir aucune raison, des hommes armés et cagoulés ont attaqué mon père. Bien qu’ils n’aient rien dit, nous savons tous que le crime qui est reproché à mon père est d’être un militant des droits de l’homme”.

MADRE's Executive Director Yifat Susskind and Yanar Mohammed, the Executive Director of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), have written this letter to Iraqi officials in response to the kidnapping and torture of youth activist, Alaa Nabil. To download a PDF of this letter, please click here
