
Dans un pays où toute liberté d'expression est étouffée, des opposants au régime de Mouammar Kadhafi ont lancé un appel à manifester, jeudi 17 février, contre le despotisme du pouvoir en place. L'appel à cette "journée de la colère" a été lancé sur Internet, avec l'espoir d'imiter les révolutions en Tunisie et en Egypte, deux pays voisins.

Les images ont tourné en boucle sur les chaînes internationales. Elles ont illustré d’innombrables articles de la presse de la planète. Ces images sont celles de ces hommes et de ces femmes molestés par la police algérienne lors de la manifestation qui s’est déroulée samedi 12 février à Alger. Parmi ces personnes interpellées, rudoyées, maltraitées par la police, il y avait Manel, 25 ans, venue manifester pacifiquement. DNA a recueilli son témoignage. Le voici brut.

Amnesty International has condemned the Iranian authorities for breaking up an apparently peaceful march held in Tehran in support of Egyptian and Tunisian protests.  Protests were also reportedly held in other cities across Iran, such as Esfahan, Shiraz and Kermanshah. Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi were placed under house arrest by the authorities ahead of the protests on Monday.  

 يهنئ ملتقى المنظمات المستقلة لحقوق الإنسان الشعب المصري على نجاح ثورته في الإطاحة بالديكتاتور حسني مبارك، الذي أهدر كرامة وإنسانية المصريين لثلاثة عقود. ويحيي بشكل خاص شهداء الثورة، والجيل الشاب الذي أشعل شرارة الانتفاضة وأبدع في تنظيمها، وكافح ببسالة من أجل تحقيق هدفها الأول بالإطاحة بالديكتاتور، بقيادة ائتلاف الحركة الشبابية.

As a sequel to their edited volume, Land of the Unconquerable: The Lives of Contemporary Afghan Women (University of California Press, March 2011), Jennifer Heath, independent scholar, author and editor of nine books, and Ashraf Zahedi, a University of California, Berkley scholar, are assembling an edited book about  the children of Afghanistan. The first of its kind, this comprehensive collection will examine the impact of socio-economic, political, and cultural factors that shape the lives of Afghan children from birth to the legal marriage ages of 16 and 18 and that contextualizes their experiences in diverse social settings. Articles (no longer than 5,000 words) will be due on May 1st, 2011. 

According to a recent study carried out by Transparency International, Somalia was deemed to be the most corrupt nation in the world. The economic and political instability of Somalia has made it the site of many human rights violations, particularly against women. Females are underrepresented in the workforce as well as education. In fact, slightly over 1/3 of the students at the primary school level are girls, and very little progress has been made in this regard.

On the occasion of the International Day of Women Human Rights Defenders on November 29 and the 10th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD IC) critically reflects on Structures of Violence: Defining the Intersections of Militarism and Violence Against Women, the theme of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence for 2010. The experience of discrimination, intimidation and attack of women human rights defenders lies at the intersection of their gender identity and their position as dissenters in their societies, particularly when working on women’s or sexual rights.  

CWP published a new report today, titled “All-Out War: Israel Against Democracy.” This comprehensive report documents the increasing political persecution of peace and human rights organizations and activists, and describes the connections between the assaults led by Israeli government officials, security forces, courts, journalists, and extreme-right organizations in this well-orchestrated offensive on democracy. The report was published in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, and English. To download the full report (in English):

The Special Rapporteur Richard Falk urged the United Nations and the international community to draft a new protocol of international humanitarian law to address the situation of prolonged occupation and refugee status imposed upon the Palestinian people for over 43 years of Israeli occupation.

 يتناقض التمثيل السياسي للمرأة في العراق الذي يشهد تحسناً ملحوظاً مع ما تعانيه النساء من استضعاف على نطاق أوسع، مثلما يتضح من استمرار العنف المنزلي والزواج المبكر، وفقاً لتقرير جديد صادر عن وحدة تحليل المعلومات بين الوكالات التابعة للأمم المتحدة. وعلى الرغم من أن النساء قد يشغلن 25 بالمائة من مقاعد البرلمان العراقي، إلا أن واحدة من كل خمس نساء بين سن 15 و49 عاماً تعاني من العنف الجسدي على يد زوجها. وتشير الأدلة السردية إلى أن "العديد من النساء يتعرضن للاختطاف ويجبرن على ممارسة البغاء،" كما لا يزال ختان الإناث شائعاً في الشمال، حسب التقرير.
