
Easy to access information for current WAO supporters as well as women and men who want to learn about the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and its oppression of the Palestinian people.
The United States has withdrawn from a treaty to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC), provoking outrage from human rights organisations.
A critical component of the gender mainstreaming begun in the Rome Statute is at stake in these negotiations.
The UN has conceded defeat over its attempt to investigate the alleged massacre in Jenin refugee camp after the Israeli cabinet risked international fury by blocking the inquiry.
The Security Cabinet decided not to cooperate, for now, with the United Nations team to Jenin, saying that the conditions set by Israel had not yet been met.
Celui-ci reconnaat comme crimes les violences sexuelles et de genre, une premiere dans l'histoire du droit humanitaire.
Cela fait quatorze ans que nous, les Femmes en Noir, citoyennes de l’état d’Israël, juives et palestiniennes, tenons des vigiles de protestation, pour exprimer notre foi en la paix et notre exigence que l’occupation se termine.
Likening Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the oppression of blacks by the white apartheid government in South Africa, Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu yesterday chided the Bush administration for being too soft on prime minister Ariel Sharon.
Official Dutch report says that Pentagon broke UN embargo.
Women's E News reports that the new International Criminal Court will give women a place to seek justice for gender-related crimes committed against them in armed conflicts and as part of systematic violence or persecution.