
The 'war against terrorism' being waged by the USA and Great Britain against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan has entered its third week. As troops began fighting on the ground, we once more watch the reaffirmation of the 'masculine' nature of war.
The UN Security Council passed on Friday September 29th, 2001 (pm) Resolution no. 1373 (2001) which requires all states to take sweeping measures to 'combat' terrorism and opens the door to the use of force as one means of doing so.
The UN Security Council passed resolution 1373 (2001) which requires all states to take sweeping measures to 'combat' terrorism and opens the door to the use of force as one means of doing so.
After three days of the U.S. bombing campaign in Afghanistan, the United States has informed the Security Council that attacks against other organisations and other countries may be necessary, a move that would be a drastic stretch of the international law concept of self-defence and would serve to further intensify and escalate the ongoing violence.
This is an URGENT request for you to endorse a letter circulated today by the Women's Caucus for Gender Justice for the International Criminal Court (ICC), New York. Sign on by MONDAY 1st October 10 am NY time or fax on MONDAY directly to Security Council members.
Carmi Gillon, former head of the Israeli General Security Service (Shin Bet), arrives in Denmark and is confirmed as Israel's Ambassador to Denmark.