political participation

Shahindokht Molaverdi, the head of women's and family affairs, told the eighth meeting of women's affairs advisors and executives that she feels she is completely blocked from taking any action in her governmental capacity.

Shirkat Gah - Women’s Resource Centre, the Institute for Women’s Empowerment (IWE), and Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) have today announced the launch of a new feminist leadership web portal as part of their Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation (WELDD) programme. The portal will act as a virtual pathway to feminist activists, organisations, and dreamers of a gender -just and egalitarian world. The portal is a space to share useful resources, a forum for sharing experiences and holding discussions and debates about how to nurture feminist leadership that is transformative and sustainable. WELDD is committed to Global South knowledge production, and will hold a space for theoretical/conceptual explorations emerging from Muslim majority contexts in Arabic, Bahasa, English, French and Urdu.

Eight WLUML networkers from Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria headed to Geneva this month to take part in the two-week Human Rights Defenders Advocacy Programme hosted by the International Service for Human Rights.  Under the Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation (WELDD) programme, WLUML sent their networkers to join 12 other participants from around the world working on diverse issues such as indigenous and environmental rights, corporate responsibility, and LGBTI rights. 

Women’s organisations in Egypt continue the struggle to put women’s rights on the agenda. Recently, 800 women’s organisations met in Cairo to discuss the way forward during this crucial transitional period.

In the end of September, The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation’s partner organisation Alliance for Arab Women, together with the Solidarity Ministry in Egypt, organised a national conference on women’s role during the transitional period in the country.

”Women are now organised in such a way that they can put pressure on the government. But the conference also showed that NGOs are willing to cooperate with the government, as long as the government is willing to recognize women,” says Hoda Badran, chairperson of Alliance of Arab Women, one of the organisations that Kvinna till Kvinna supports in Egypt.

أكدت رئيسة معهد المرأة للتنمية كوثر الجوعان أن العمل السياسي يحتاج إلى تأطير وذلك بعد مرور خمسين عاما من الدستور وبعد التحديات التي تواجه التجربة السياسية في الكويت. وأوضحت الجوعان خطورة الخروج إلى الشارع ، في مؤتمر صحافي للاعلان عن الملتقي الثالث للقوى السياسية والمستقلة ً نحو ديمقراطية سليمة هل حان الوقت للتعددية السياسية ..

لقد كان لاتساع وظيفة الدولة في التقدم و الأخذ بمبادئ الديمقراطية و الحرص على تحقيق العدالة الاجتماعية و الرغبة في تحسين الإدارة وأسلوب الإدارة العامة آثارا كبيرة في عدول أغلبية دول العالم عن النظام الذي يقتصر على إقامة فروع للوزارات المركزية في وحداتها المحلية لإدارة مرافق وهيآت هذه الوحدات (عدم التركيز الإداري).

أنجز مجلس الشورى السعودي التصور النهائي لشكل المشاركة النسائية المتوقعة في أعماله، والتي تنطلق بانطلاقة الدورة السادسة بعد نحو 70 يوما.

A new group running for municipal elections in Hebron is offering residents an alternative to politics as usual in the conservative West Bank city: Women at the helm, instead of men. The all-female list, which is called “By Participating, We Can,” is gearing up for next month’s vote with a campaign that aims both to win at the polls and to convince voters that women can lead just as well as men. 

Somalia has recently selected its parliament on Somali soil for the first time since the civil war of the late 1980s. This is a significant achievement since regional power brokers such as Ethiopia and Kenya, with the financial and logistical backing of the European Union, the United States and the United Nations, concocted Somali governments in neighbouring countries. 
