[violence]early and forced marriages

Declaration sur le mariage de d’enfant.
Bradford, Angleterre – Elle a dû déménager 19 fois ces cinq dernières années. Elle ne sort de chez elle, en banlieue, qu’après s’être assurée qu’aucune voiture étrange n’est garée dans la rue et avoir repéré toutes les voies de fuite aux alentours.

Une fois rentrée chez elle, elle pousse de lourds meubles sous la poignée de la porte d’entrée et place un couteau à portée de main.
Les communautés sud-asiatiques, toutes religions confondues, souscrivent en général à la pratique des mariages arrangés. Le système a probablement des avantages si les désirs et souhaits des futurs époux sont respectés et si les considérations de dot n’en font pas une transaction commerciale – deux grands “si”. C’est l’aspect négatif des mariages arrangés qui a plusieurs fois fait la une des journaux britanniques et américains ces dernières années.
The case of young women from Bangladeshi and Pakistani origins.
There has been a huge rise in the number of British Muslim women forced into arranged marriages following a decision by the government to liberalise the immigration laws last year.

Civil rights campaigners say hundreds of young women are being tricked abroad, mainly to Pakistan, where they are married and forced to live in remote villages.
The custom of arranged marriages is generally endorsed by South Asian communities of all religious affiliations. The system may have some advantages if due regard is given to the wishes and preferences of the intended spouses, and if dowry considerations do not turn the exercise into a commercial transaction — both very big “ifs.” It is the ugly side of arranged marriages that has made headlines in the British and American press several times in recent years.
Bradford, England — She has had to move 19 times in the last five years. She steps outside her suburban home only after checking the street for strange cars and rehearsing the nearby footpath escapes.

Once back inside, she shoves heavy furniture under the front door handle and places a knife within quick reach.

The British-born daughter of Pakistani immigrants, she is under a death threat from her own father and brother.
A girl in Nigeria is taking her father to court for allegedly forcing her to marry against her wish, according to a Lagos-based newspaper.
A conservative Muslim body in India has gone to the High Court to challenge the legal age of marriage, which currently stands at 18.
A young woman has won a court battle to have her forced marriage annulled.