[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

Zainah Anwar is a good Muslim. She is also an outspoken campaigner for women's rights. To many Muslim men in Malaysia and beyond, these two facts are barely compatible.
Plusieurs milliers de femmes, venues de 35 pays, se sont retrouvées, 28 et 29 mai, à Marseille, étape française de la Marche mondiale des femmes qui, partie de Brésil, doit arriver à Burkina Faso en octobre, après un long périple en Europe et en Océanie.
Margot Badran is a historian & a specialist of gender studies focused on the Middle East & Islamic world. She did her MA from Harvard University & DPhil from Oxford University. She acquired a diploma in Arabic and Islam from Al Azhar University, Cairo.
Les éditions musulmanes Tawhid de Lyon s'apprêtaient à publier un Recueil de fatwas, c'est-à-dire d'avis juridiques, rédigés par le Conseil européen de la fatwa et de la recherche, principale autorité en matière de droit musulman pour l'Europe.
Interview with Bahram Soroush and Fariborz Pooya.
Based in Syria, its aim is to provide a reliable resource of international, regional and local documents (laws, conventions etc.) concerning women. It also has the goal of monitoring practices that violate women's rights and freedoms.
Le ministère de l'intérieur en France renonce à nommer un aumônier modéré et anti-intégristes, du fait de la pression exercée par l'UOIF. Les progressistes dénoncent l'abandon du domaine carcéral aux intégristes issus des Frères musulmans.
Amina Wadud, an Islamic scholar of repute from US led the mixed congregational prayer on 18th March 2005 in New York and also delivered khutba' (i.e. sermon).
Morocco's king has launched a programme to improve the country's slums, seen as recruiting grounds for radical Islam.
A very relevant article from Catholics For A Free Choice 2001 newsletter 'Conscience' which discusses initiatives of faith-related feminist organizations to resist fundamentalisms & the importance of supporting, & networking with, these initiatives.