[state] state, gender, identity

Ms. Laura Dupuy Laserre
President of the Human Rights Council
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Your Excellency,

We, the international solidarity network Women Living Under Muslim Laws, the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies, the Violence is Not Our Culture International Campaign and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition, and the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights are writing to express our appreciation for your support and leadership in hosting the upcoming panel at the UN Human Rights Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

الخرطوم في 9 مارس 2011 — نفذت قوات الشرطة السودانية حملة اعتقالات واسعة وسط ناشطات وحقوقيين تجمعوا بمدينة امدرمان الثلاثاء للاحتفال باليوم العالمى للمراة الذى يصادف الثامن من مارس فى كل عام والتنديد بالعنف الممارس ضد النساء فى السودان. وتبنت مبادرة "لا لقهر النساء" الدعوة للتجمهر بميدان المدرسة الاهلية القريب من منزل الزعيم السودانى المعروف اسماعيل الازهرى. ورفعت المحتجات لافتات تندد بالاغتصاب والاهانات التى تلاحق النساء فى السودان مطالبين السلطات الحكومية بالحد مما اسموه العنف ضد المراة

Wendy Harcourt's 'Body Politics in Development' sets out to define body politics as a key political and mobilizing force for human rights in the last two decades.
The near-invisibility of Muslim women, except as victims, underpins the construction of the ideal citizen-subject in late colonial India.
Le bureau régional Maghreb de Global Rights, en collaboration avec une quinzaine d’ONG et d’avocats partenaires au Maroc, en Algérie et en Tunisie, annonce la publication d’un Livret de Discussion sur l’utilisation stratégique du contrat de mariage.
Married women in Tajikistan are being deprived of property rights, especially if they get married without going through the legal formalities.
New Law Supports Equal Pay, But Contraceptives Financing Dropped From Economic Stimulus.
Auteur Avocat Algérien, Ammar Koroghli, ecrit dans un article que la question de la femme constitue sans doute la problématique la plus éprouvante que tente de résoudre le monde musulman contemporain.
La femme a été au centre des enjeux politiques de ces pays depuis les indépendances.
'On the way to improved legal reality' is the last in a three-part series on women's rights in the Arab world.