UN related

A summary of issues discussed at a consultation between Yakin Ertürk , Margaret Sekaggya and representatives of women’s rights organisations, that was held in Nairobi in early December, 2008.
Les signataires "condamnent les violations des droits de l'Homme fondées sur l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre". Etats-Unis, Chine, Russie et Etats arabes n'ont pas adhéré à l'appel.
Statement affirms promise of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"We have come a long way in terms of international legal frameworks, but some states still have a long way to go in translating them into judicial systems and peace negotiations that work." - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay
Based on an expert group meeting held in Vienna, Austria, from 26 to 28 May 2008, the report provides guidelines and a model framework for legislation on violence against women, including detailed recommendations, commentaries & examples of good practices
""In spite of considerable achievements, violence against women persists in every country as a pervasive and universal violation of human rights and a major impediment to achieving gender equality." --Yakin Erturk.
"The Special Rapporteur added that violations are perpetrated not just by individuals or groups but also by States themselves. "
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Patricia O'Brien of Ireland as the new United Nations legal chief, making her the first woman in the Organization's history to hold that post.
Navanethem Pillay confirmed as new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The UN Security Council has voted unanimously in favour of a resolution classifying rape as a weapon of war.