[violence] honour crimes

Femmes sous lois musulmanes et ses alliés demandent que l’Arabie Saoudite démontre son attachement aux droits humains et libère Khamisa Sawadi, Fahd Al-Anzi et Hadiyan Bin Zein et révoque l’ordre d’expulsion.
The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! urges the government of Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the flogging of a young woman in Swat.
The Pakistani government has ordered an inquiry into the flogging of a 17-year-old woman by Taliban militants in the troubled Swat valley, after public outrage triggered by shocking video footage of the punishment.
Cela se passe dans la vallée de Swat, dans le nord-ouest du Pakistan, une zone où la charia a été adoptée en échange d'un «cessez-le-feu» d'un des chefs religieux locaux, Sufi Mohammad.
As Turkey cracks down on 'honour killings', women told: 'You have dishonoured your family, please kill yourself'.
This was the title of the parallel session at the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York, in which the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! presented the following talk on 6 March.
With clear evidence of political interference in Ms Mai's case it is uncertain when her case will be heard again, and her legal team are only advised in the last minute by the judiciary. Please see the letter of thanks for the support Ms Mai and her family have received:
Amer Butt a démontré à travers ses déclarations qu’il était incapable de remettre en question ce qui l’avait conduit à ce geste de barbarie.
Parce qu’elle refusait de l’épouser, Mushtaq Amer Butt a aspergé d’essence son ex-fiancée, avant d’y mettre le feu.
Amer Mushtaq Butt, 28, doused Chahrazade Belayni in petrol and set fire to her on the street as she was leaving her home in the under-privileged Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Marne in 2005.