Women's leadership

Ongoing escalation, and wartime-style media reports are losing their laming grip on the Israeli public.
WHRNet relaunch their news section for International Human Rights Day.
Delegates from four Afghan factions have signed an agreement on a transitional government to run the country after 20 years of war.
WLUML invites all human rights and women’s organizations, social action groups, anti-war activists, and civil society in general, to extend or add to the main thrust of the document.
In the coming weeks, the 12 Points will be used in lobbying efforts and awareness raising actions around the world.
Appeal for an end to the war in Afghanistan.
The 'war against terrorism' being waged by the USA and Great Britain against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan has entered its third week. As troops began fighting on the ground, we once more watch the reaffirmation of the 'masculine' nature of war.
The UN Security Council passed resolution 1373 (2001) which requires all states to take sweeping measures to 'combat' terrorism and opens the door to the use of force as one means of doing so.
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