
Nous sommes inquiètes parce que nos sociétés sont écartelées entre deux extrêmes, l'hyperlibéralisme des m¦urs, qui achète, vend, loue le corps et les services sexuels des femmes, et les intégrismes religieux qui les enferment et les oppriment.
AWID speaks with Saida Ali, the dynamic Programmes Director of the Young Women’s Leadership Institute (YWLI), an organization based in Kenya.
Le 8 Mars, journée internationale des femmes, est notamment marqué cette année par une "marche mondiale" destinée à faire connaître une "Charte mondiale des femmes" qui sera lancée dans la journée à Brésil à Burkina Faso après avoir traversé 53 pays.
Promotes information around the Platform for Action and the Declaration by producing press releases, features for electronic networks, newspapers, reports, TV, community and commercial radio and internet during the Beijing +10 process.
Promouvoir la paix, un devoir pour toute femme !
WLUML is a co-sponsor of this event, to be held on 7th March 2005, as part of the Global Week of Action for Women's Rights.
This day highlights progress that women have made in the struggle for equality and provides an opportunity to unite and mobilise for meaningful change despite ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences.
WLUML is a co-sponsor of Beijing and Beyond, a decentralized week of activities that will take place around the world during 1-8 March 2005.
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