
WLUML regional coordination office BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights, a partner of WLP, will convene the Africa Regional Learning Institute for Women's Leadership and Training of Trainers from February 21-25, 2005 in Calabar, Nigeria.
Coverage from Choike, which aims to give visibility to Southern civil society.
En juillet 2003, l'Union africaine adoptait un Protocole additionnel relatif aux droits de la femme à la Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples.
WLUML participera au prochain Dialogues Féministes qui est une rencontre transnationale de réseaux et d’organisations féministes qui se tient généralement avant le Forum Social Mondial.
Salma Sobhan never wanted to be an icon. In fact, she avoided stage lights, but ironically she has become a public figure and now, a year after she left us, she is remembered not only by family and friends, but nationally & internationally by many others.
Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen flew into Dhaka just to award certificates to 32 bright, young women aspiring to come journalists through a programme called the Salma Sobhan Fellowship in Journalism for Women taken up by BRAC and Pratichi Trust.
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