
Some thoughts and perspectives from Zainah Anwar, Executive Director of Sisters in Islam (SIS). Zainah gives public talks on Islam and women's rights, politics and fundamental liberties, nationally and internationally.
Programme du colloque que nous organisons à l’UNESCO en septembre (18 et 19 septembre 2006).
A seminar on Islamic feminism is being organized in cooperation with Commission Islam et Laïcité, on 18-19 September 2006 at UNESCO’s Headquarters.
Sous le slogan : «Ensemble pour l’Egalité et la Citoyenneté », la LDDF organisera une caravane de sensibilisation et de solidarité avec les femmes et les enfants démunis de la région d’Al Hoceima durant la 2ème semaine de septembre 2006.
The Prime Minister’s daughter and two daughters of two past prime ministers came together to speak up for Muslim women and voice their concern over injustices perpetrated in the name of Islam.
WLUML is holding its fourth Plan of Action meeting in Dakar, Senegal this month. Over 50 networkers from two dozen countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America are attending.
Edited/compiled by Cassandra Balchin, this manual uses cases (from 43 participants - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania & Yemen) as starting points for the examination of the relationship between human rights & Islamic Legal Theory.
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