
La marche est une occasion pour le mouvement féminin marocain de renouer avec l'esprit d'unité, d'action et de propositions.

تعرض خطة العمل الثالثة الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجهنا في سياقاتنا المختلفة وتطرح إستراتيجيات وهيكل مرن من أجل مواجهة هذه التحديات.

A broadcast featuring partners of the Women's Learning Partnership, talking about the international launch of the campaign on Arab women's right to nationality.

In July 2006, Women Living Under Muslim Laws held a week-long Plan of Action (PoA) Meeting in Dakar, Senegal. Following our last PoA Meeting (1997), this meeting aimed to update WLUML’s thematic priorities, strategies and organisational structure to ensure that they match the needs, concerns and capacities of our networkers. The resulting Plan of Action document will serve as the WLUML network’s guiding document for the next five years.

Asghar Ali Engineer's aim is to make progressive thinking accessible to lay people and to bring it beyond the borders of a select group of intellectuals. A portrait of the Indian Muslim thinker by Fatma Sagir.
The first four films were completed in Amman in December 2005, were shot between the end of 2004 and October 2005. Each opens a window onto the life of ordinary Iraqis in this extraordinary time.
RRRT, in partnership with the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM), conducted a refresher course on Fiji’s new Family Law Act for over 30 of our local Community Paralegals and key NGO partners in late May 2006.
In May 2006, WLUML networker and RRRT's Human Rights Adviser, Imrana Jalal, was appointed to the renowned International Commission of Jurists (ICJ).
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