
There is no such thing as the 'clash of civilizations': the clash in the world today is between fascists and antifascists.
What can we do to prevent a human-made disaster? by N. Shanmugaratnam.
This book is an impassioned case against the dominant Muslim view on the punishment for apostasy.
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) expresses disappointment in Marion Boyd’s report on Ontario’s 1991 Arbitration Act - which the former NDP Government, with Ms. Boyd as a Cabinet minister made law.
Le Conseil français du culte musulman (CFCM) a accueilli trois femmes en son sein. Il n'en reste désormais plus qu'une - voilée : Siham Andalouci, membre du bureau national.
Three years since the formal end of the war and the removal of the Taliban from power, the situation in Afghanistan continues to threaten the safety, security, and human rights of Afghan citizens, particularly Afghan women.
CSFH appeals to donors to ensure that their well-intended donations do not end up in sectarian hands and ensure that this tragedy does not provide another opportunity for communal/hate groups to gain a foothold in a plural society.
On 28th December, 5 members of the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum and one observer accompanied a truck full of relief goods to Kalmunai area, located in the district of Amparai on the East Coast, to aid the relief effort for Tsunami victims.
Report of a 'conversation' between 48 religious and women’s leaders in Chiang Mai, Thailand between February 29 and March 3, 2004 to discuss how, in an era of globalization, religions could play a more active role in advancing women’s lives.
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