
Article publié dans Respublica, journal de la Gauche républicaine, septembre 2004 par Mimouna Hadjam, militante de Afrika 93.
At the ESF European Assembly for Women, several women's organisations presented their declaration against the European Constitution.
L’islam de France en crise.
Tariq Ramadan is one of the top-billed speakers at the European Social Forum, appearing on a panel to present “Voices of resistance and alternatives from the global South”.
Les responsables européens du Forum social font une erreur en choisissant des islamistes intégristes comme intervenants à leurs débats.
On se souvient que l'an dernier, à Saint-Denis, la présence de Tariq Ramadan, soutenue par les organisateurs du FSE, avait soulevé une forte émotion chez de nombreux militants de gauche et dans le mouvement altermondialiste.
How respective ideologies contribute towards a culture that condones and engages in violence, by Beena Sarwar.
Only an internally generated intellectual revolution would provide Muslims a place of respect, by Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui.
Lily Zakiyah Munir is a leading Muslim women’s rights activist in Indonesia and works closely with the ‘ulama and students of Indonesian Islamic boarding schools or pesantrens.
There are growing fears the hostage situation in Iraq has taken its toll on Italy's relations with its large Muslim community.
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