
Appel des libéraux arabes au Conseil de sécurité et au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies.
Article publié dans Respublica, journal de la Gauche républicaine, septembre 2004 par Mimouna Hadjam, militante de Afrika 93.
This article addresses key aspects of the ICC, such as gender crimes and related case law, gender-sensitive proceedings and the possible implications of implementing international standards nationally to advance women's human rights.
Radical Islamists have launched a new magazine publication on the internet especially for women.
An international conference on female genital mutilation has ended in Kenya with a fresh call to ban the practice.
Pour la santé des femmes, pour la santé du monde: Non plus de violence
DAWN is a network of women scholars and activists from the economic South who engage in feminist research and analysis of the global environment and are committed to working for economic justice, gender justice and democracy.
For women who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer, and who are identified ethnically or culturally with the Arab world, regardless of where they live.
Political correctness has yet to stem the public use of language that reinforces very false ideas about Muslim people and Muslim contexts.
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