
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice highlight the appointment of women to key positions within the International Criminal Court.
Events in Iraq have shown that a war cannot be prosecuted against terrorists without giving some thought to what motivates new recruits to the terror cause.
We would like to call to your attention the need for women's groups and women's rights advocates to continue advocating for the inclusion of independent feminist experts in the CEDAW Committee.
L’Algerienne «Salima Tlemcani» (un nom de plume), journaliste au journal «El Watan» d'Alger, a couvert les activités des groupes islamiques armés en Algérie depuis 12 ans.
Plus d’un millier d’organisations dans prés de cent trente pays se joignent à la Campagne des 16 Jours contre la violence faite aux femmes participez y vous aussi.
The ICC has indicated it will investigate crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since July 1 2002, the date the Rome Statute of the ICC came into force.
Les mouvements fondamentalistes (chrétiens, hindous, juifs, buddhistes ou musulmans) utilisent différentes stratégies afin de modifier les systèmes juridiques existants, dans le but de renforcer leurs projets politiques.
2004 campaign theme "For the Health of Women, For the Health of the World: No More Violence."
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