[mili]war crimes and impunity/accountability

As one marginalized sector of society, Palestinian women have bore the brunt of various measures by the Israeli occupation. Thousands of women have endured the loss of husbands, sons, daughters, their homes and land to the brutality of the occupation.
Act Together has asked Sundus Abass to come up with come concrete actions that she would like you to take to support Iraqi women.
An hour ago I was listening to the radio and the moderator was reading Tawfiq Zayyad’s* (Palestinian poet) famous poem "Like Twenty Impossible". I felt like crying!
"Respect for women... can triumph in the Middle East and beyond," said George Bush at the UN in September 2002. But numerous studies and surveys over the past three years proved that the situation of Iraqi women worsened under the US occupation.
A leaked cable from the US embassy in Iraq to Condoleezza Rice shows the country falling apart and ruled by militias.
You are invited to participate in workshops held on 20, 21 and 22 June from 11am-11pm at the ACAVA Studios in London in support of the vigil on 23 June.
The women of Basra have disappeared. Three years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, women's secular freedoms - once the envy of women across the Middle East - have been snatched away because militant Islam is rising across the country.
Our war, through their eyes, is not a pretty picture. As they see it, war with Iraq weakens America and strengthens a mutual enemy -- Muslim fundamentalists.
Recently in Abuja, Nigeria, the Sudanese government and the main rebel group in Darfur signed a peace agreement to end three years of fighting. A ceasefire was supposed to come into force 72 hours later. But little has changed on the ground in Darfur.
The invasion of Iraq heralded promises of freedom from tyranny and equal rights for the women of Iraq. But three years on, the reality of everyday life for women inside Iraq is a different story.
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