
Doctors at a hospital in Qalat, capital of Zabul Province in southern Afghanistan, are treating a brutally tortured woman whose husband cut off both her ears and nose, broke her teeth and shaved her head only three months after their marriage.
“We still have 1.2 million girls of school age who do not have access to schools,” said Catherine Mbengue, UNICEF Country Representative in Afghanistan.
"Enfin pour les réunions publiques, en particulier les mariages, les femmes et hommes doivent être séparés et la musique de faible volume, estime le projet de loi."
A draft proposal put forth last week would ban loud music, women and men mingling in public, billiards, and more.
Seven years ago, the Taliban would have torn these paintings to pieces. The 93 works show the emotions and images of a war-torn country in which women are still deeply oppressed. They depict war and weaponry, violence, entrapment, hopelessness - and hope.
"Wazhma Frogh, an Afghan, uses her religion to press for women's rights – and development agencies take note."
Afghanistan’s Upper House of Parliament rejected a previous statement released by its president, that supported the young journalist’s death sentence for possessing an article questioning women’s role in Islam.
Report by the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission affirms that women's rights are enshrined in most international human rights treaties to which Afghanistan has joined, and thus the Afghan government has an obligation to observe these rights.
Un tribunal du nord de l’Afghanistan a condamné à mort un journaliste afghan détenu depuis octobre sous l’accusation de “blasphème”, ont annoncé mercredi des sources officielles.
23-year-old Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh, reporter of Jahan-e Naw daily paper and a journalism student at Balkh University in northern Afghanistan, was detained three months ago.
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