[violence] general

Dans un rapport adressé aux Nations unies ce lundi 10 janvier, Amnesty International met en évidence la passivité du gouvernement algérien face aux viols, aux coups et à la discrimination économique et juridique dont sont victimes les femmes de ce pays.
The conference, held in Manama, Bahrain, was the first to bring together human rights activists from all GCC countries and Yemen to discuss violence and discrimination against women.
Iraqi women were long the most liberated in the Middle East. Occupation has confined them to their homes.
La mobilisation, notamment des féministes, pour le soutien aux femmes de Hassi Messaoud a porté ses fruits et les agresseurs et violeurs ont été condamnés à de lourdes peines.
Femicide (murder of women), however, has rarely been the subject of feminist and non-feminist analysts. This study is the first of its nature in the Arab World to study such atrocities.
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