[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

All are welcome for a seminar on 26 October 2006 at Goldsmiths College, London on religious absolutism/antinomian lives.
Former Military Governor of Kaduna State, Col. Abubakar Umar (rtd), has accused Kano State Governor, Malam Ibrahim Shekarau, of attempting to inflame religious sensibilities & called on Nigerians to remain focused on the task of building a united Nigeria.
We wish to refocus attention on, and awareness of, this report from a 2005 meeting to help key actors from several organizations that promote and defend human rights to identify guidelines on the warning signs of fundamentalisms.
Lors d’une rencontre organisée en novembre 2002 sur le thème « Signaux d'alarme des fondamentalismes », on a pu constater à quel point il est à la fois urgent et vital, pour les organismes de droits humains, de faire le point sur ce phénomène.
La marche est une occasion pour le mouvement féminin marocain de renouer avec l'esprit d'unité, d'action et de propositions.
The first of two articles by Jeanne Favret-Saada, which deals with the relationship Denmark has set up with its immigrants - or rather with those of them who have been identified as "Muslims".
Pour des raisons diverses, trop de militants, dans la gauche française et, plus largement, européenne, crachent sur cette chose fondamentale qu'est la laïcité, c'est-à-dire sur le principe de séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat ...
Asghar Ali Engineer's aim is to make progressive thinking accessible to lay people and to bring it beyond the borders of a select group of intellectuals. A portrait of the Indian Muslim thinker by Fatma Sagir.
For Iraqi women, map-shaped necklaces have become a symbol of defiance, representing a yearning to keep the country unified.
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