
صدر التقرير العالمي لسد الفجوة بين الجنسين للعام 2012 عن المنتدى الإقتصادي العالمي، وأشار البيان الصحفي المرافق لإطلاق التقرير الى التقدم البطيء في سد الفجوة بين الجنسين في الإقتصاد العالمي. وفي الوقت الذي حافظت فيه الدول الإسكندنافية على صدارة القائمة المكونة من 135 دولة ، لا زالت الدول العربية تقبع في ذيل القائمة مع تراجع جديد لسبع دول عربية ومنها الأردن ومحافظة ثلاث منها على نفس التصنيف وتقدم دولتين هما الجزائر وعٌمان.

وثائقيات حقوق الإنسان- أعلنت جمعية “تضامن” النساء عن تأييدها وإنضمامها وإعتبار من يوم 29 تشرين أول من كل عام يوماً عالمياً للتضامن مع ضحايا “جرائم الشرف”.

IRBID, Jordan (AP) — After a garment factory worker told Jordanian police she had been raped three times by her boss, the case escalated into an international campaign that threatens to close down Jordan's largest garment exporter to the U.S.

It could also force government and business to do more to improve conditions in an industry that has been crucial to this kingdom's economy — and to its relations with the United States.

In this article, the author argues that it is mostly societal traditions and customs that drive people to resort to ‘crimes of honour’ – which she describes as “shameful, irreligious acts”. She states that in Islam it is a sin to take people's lives in one's own hands. Crimes of honor are therefore social in the full sense of the word. Perpetrators see it as 'social cleansing of shame', and seeking the community's approval. The author uses the example of Jordan, one of the countries that has the highest rate of such crimes, to argue her point.

انتهت نيابة محكمة الجنايات الكبرى من التحقيق في قضية مقتل سيدة خنقا على يد شقيقها لخلافات عائلية بداية العام الحالي، ووجهت للمشتكى عليه تهمة القتل العمد بحدود المادة 328/1 عقوبات. وتتلخص وقائع القضية وفق النيابة العامة بأن المغدورة هي شقيقة المشتكى عليه ومطلقة قبل واقعة القضية بثمان سنوات وعلاقتها مع ذويها متوترة وتسكن لوحدها في شقة مستقلة لأسباب لم يتوصل التحقيق لمعرفتها على وجه التحديد.

UN Special Rapporteur Rahisda Manjoo has published a thirty four page report on violence again women its causes and consequences. During the period under review, the Special Rapporteur requested invitations to visit Somalia, the United States of America, and Zimbabwe. Earlier requests for country visits had also been made to the Governments of Jordan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Special Rapporteurs typically send a letter to the Government requesting to visit the country, and, if the Government agrees, an invitation to visit is extended. Some countries have issued "standing invitations", which means that they are, in principle, prepared to receive a visit from any special procedures mandate holder. 

ويعد التقرير، الذي صدر في ثلاثمائة صفحة، هو المجلد الخامس من سلسلة تقارير التنمية الإنسانية العربية، التي يرعاها برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي، ويضعها عدد من المثقفين والباحثين في البلدان العربية. وانتقد التقرير أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في البلاد العربية، وعلاقة الدولة فيها بالمواطن وأمنه وحقوقه، وغياب الدولة المدنية.

Thirteen women are murdered in "honour killings" by their own relatives every day, according to Rana Husseini, a human rights advocate and journalist who has devoted her career to fighting the barbaric and widespread practice. "I'm documenting the cases of women, their stories, the fact that they lived on this earth and that someone deprived them the right to live," Husseini told IPS. An honour killing occurs when a family feels that their female relative has tarnished their reputation, according to Husseini, author of the recently released book "Murder in the Name of Honor".

Questions for Hibaaq Osman, founder and director of Karama: 1. How have efforts to implement the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) in the Arab region evolved since Beijing? Has this been satisfactory? Since the adoption of the BPFA, there has been considerable progress throughout the region in meeting international standards that reinforce gender equality. In particular, the civil society sector has expanded, proliferating local organizations whose mission it is to address key issues that have prevented governments and other authorities from enacting, implementing and enforcing laws that protect women from discrimination and violence. This NGO component had been largely missing and now acts to directly respond to the needs of the local community and communicate these to national and international authorities. In particular, a renewed focus on empowering women and increasing their role in decision-making has been demonstrated.

I was sitting in a majlis with a group of women when our chat on world affairs was interrupted by an urgent knock on the door; a knock that opened more than just a passage into the rest of the house. “We ran out of coffee!” I heard a male voice in distress telling the hostess as she opened the door just a tiny crack to see who it was. It was her husband, who was hosting a similar majlis in another corner of the house, with the husbands of the women here. The hostess went out to help him, leaving the door wide open to a room full of annoyed women. Several of them ran to the door to close it, because “there are men in the house”.

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