
The report marks the first time that violence against women in Jordan has been statistically analysed.
Jordan is embarking on a radical reform process aimed at modernising the country's political system.
Almost six years after announcing plans to establish a shelter for battered women, Ministry of Social Development officials said on Thursday that the first Family Reconciliation House in Jordan would open in less than a month's time.
Parliament in Jordan has overwhelmingly rejected a proposed law imposing harsher punishments for men who kill female relatives in what are known as "honour killings".
Ces dix dernières années, la question des relations de genre et du comportement et du mode d’habillement des femmes a occupé une place de plus en plus importante dans le discours des mouvements islamistes. Cet article essaie de situer l’intérêt des islamistes arabes pour la question des femmes dans le cadre de l’héritage du colonialisme et des transformations sociales relatives au genre et à la classe.
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