
"In the latest killing, or at least the latest to come to public attention, Kurdistan Aziz was 16 years old when she escaped her family with a man she knew they would not accept, and courageously following the ancient tradition of 'radu kauten' they eloped together to Arbil, the capital city of Iraqi Kurdistan. They planned to start a life together. But her father had other ideas for her; not of love, happiness or choice but that she must die for this rebellion against the patriarchal order.
On June 12th, the occasion of the National Day of Solidarity of Iranian Women, nine women’s rights activists were arrested outside of the Rahe Abrisham Gallery just prior to a small, peaceful assembly planned to commemorate the day.
Mme Cherifa Kheddar a reçu un arreté du Wali (prefet) signé du 31 mai dans lequel on lui signifie qu'elle est dessaisie du poste supérieur (ne pas confondre avec cadre supérieur): elle garde son poste d'administrateur mais elle est rétrogradée puisque son poste budgétaire a été supprimée; de ce fait son salaire va être amputée (la fiche de paie ne lui est pas encore parvenu et nous attendons le virement de son salaire).
Through WLUML networkers, the Algerian 'Collectif des familles de disparus' (CFDA) and the OMCT, we have learned of the unfair dismissal of Ms. Cherifa Kheddar from her position of employment at the prefecture of Blida. Kheddar is the president of the Djazairouna association, a group which defends the victims of terrorism.
Nous avons été informé par le Collectif des familles de disparus en Algérie (CFDA), l'OMCT et les "networkers" du WLUML, du licenciement abusif de Mme Cherifa Kheddar, présidente de l’association Djazairouna, qui défend les droits des victimes du terrorisme.
Le réseau Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) tenons exprimer notre profonde préoccupation face aux jugements draconiens que vient d’édicter le Tribunal Révolutionnaire de Téhéran à l’encontre de nombreuses femmes.
Four women's rights activists, Nasrin Afzali, Nahid Jafari, Zeinab Peighambar-zadeh, and Minou Mortazi, have been given suspended sentences of whipping (10 lashes) and six months imprisonment.
Khadijeh Moghaddam, membre du Comité des Mères de la campagne ‘Un Million de Signatures’ et membre des Mères pour la Paix, a été libéré dans l'après-midi du mercredi 16 avril après avoir passé neuf jours en détention.
Khadijeh Moghaddam member of the Mother’s Committee of the One Million Signatures Campaign, and a member of Mothers for Peace, was released on the afternoon of Wednesday April 16, after spending nine days in detention.
Khadijeh Moghaddam, a women's human rights activist, was arrested at her home on April 8th. She is a member of the One Million Signatures Campaign calling for equal rights between men and women in Iran. Many members of the Campaign have been harassed and arrested. A non-violent advocate of change, Ms. Moghaddam is currently being detained in solitary confinement, on charges related to propaganda, influencing public opinion and threatening national security.
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