
Are you a young South or South East Asian woman, an emerging leader and committed to social justice in your community? If so, we welcome your application to participate in a regional institute to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, June 13 to 18, 2005.
This comprehensive report serves as a tool for identifying unfulfilled promises and for revisiting current strategies and programmes of action for protecting the human security of the 140 million Arab women.
African women's rights organizations are leading an innovative campaign to get countries to ratify a protocol that specifically protects women's human rights. Show your solidarity with them by writing to African heads of state to urge them to ratify it.
South East Asia's modernising Muslim societies still have some tough problems to solve.
A conference on HIV/Aids among women and girls in the Middle East and north Africa has heard a call for more to be done to help this vulnerable group.

The titles listed below can be ordered directly from Baobab for Women's Human Rights. Write to them at baobab@baobabwomen.org for more details. Visit the publications section of the Baobab for Women's Human Rights website for more information and links about other titles which have been produced by them: www.baobabwomen.org/publications.htm

Although this paper is the record of a panel seminar and discussion held at ISEAS on 15 November 2001, it is interesting to read in light of recent events in the region.
UNICEF, the Government of Djibouti and an international non-profit organization 'No Peace without Justice' are organising the meeting under the theme: "Towards a political and religious consensus against Female Genital Mutilation."
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