
WLUML recognises that there may be very diverse opinions about the content - and indeed need - for a European Constitution, recently agreed by EU members subject to ratification next year.
The theme for this year’s campaign is, “ For the Health of Women, For the Health of the World: No more Violence”.
At the ESF European Assembly for Women, several women's organisations presented their declaration against the European Constitution.
Rights & Democracy, in collaboration with the Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre and WLUML is holding a training for women’s rights leaders in December 2004 in Pakistan.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
On June 30 this year, the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Leyla Sahin v. Turkey unanimously ruled that the university’s headscarf ban did not infringe the European Convention on Human Rights.
Le Caire: 40 ONGs de défense des droits humains et une centaine d’intellectuels de 15 pays se réunissent pour dénoncer l'emprisonnement des journalistes algériens et les atteintes à la liberté d'expression dans leurs pays.
Le juge européen rappelle que le principe de laïcité ne peut souffrir d’exception, et que le foulard islamique n’est pas seulement un signe d’appartenance à l’Islam, mais peut-être aussi utilisé comme une arme politique.
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