
This publication provides information regarding women within the Muslim world focusing on the Gambia. The customary laws, the nature of the personal status laws of women and how women’s issues have been erroneously been led to believe that the only way of “being” is to follow the cultural and religious interpretations of womanhood.

This hand out describes the effects of Female Genital Mutilation from the health perspective using illustrations on effects of FGM on women’s Reproductive health and rights as well as its prevalence in Africa. 

This is a case of FGM regarding three Gambian families with preadolescent daughters abroad. None of the girls had yet undergone the ritual "female circumcision" commonly practiced. Five of the six parents think it would be a good idea to hold such a ritual ceremony. The sixth parent is uneasy about the procedure and wonders about its appropriateness. 

A reference material on FGM and the legal provisions under the Ethiopian Law. It also takes a general look at Women’s through a constitutional perspective. 

This is a report detailing the numbers of women in Africa who have been circumcised or have undergone FGC.

This site gives detailed information on the prevalence of Female Mutilation in Africa through various surveys in individual countries. It also provides a map to show countries practising FGM in Africa. 

This book chronicles a unique filmmaking journey. It describes documentary efforts undertaken from California to England, Senegal, The Gambia, and Burkina Faso, characterised by interviews with people who are concerned with and affected by the practice of female genital mutilation. The text includes transcripts of their interviews and three new poems by Alice Walker.

This is a contribution to the discourse of sexuality looking at FGM as a violation of the bodily dignity and integrity of women. 

The thesis tries to explain the Practice of FGM in the context of culture and how it is used to control female sexuality. It brings out belief systems and how the victims of FGM are indoctrinated to embrace patriarchal values etc. 

This article gives detailed information about Female Genital Mutilation and women’s sexuality; it outlines the practice of FGM in Africa and amongst minorities in Asia. It also talks about the state’s obligation to protect children and observe human rights standards, as well as calling for cultural tolerance and acceptance of social diversity.

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