This project aims to help to end violence against women by making different groups of society aware of the danger of this phenomenon and its impact, not only on women but on the family and society.
Gulzabira Toreshova doesn't believe in happy marriages. She saw her husband for the first time at a friend's birthday party — by the end of the evening she had been abducted and forced to become his wife.
L’accroissement sans précédent du nombre de viols et de kidnappings dans la capitale irakienne incitent les jeunes filles à renoncer à leurs études ou à ne plus quitter leur domicile.
Le Yémen, pays du sud-est de la péninsule Arabique, est devenu le théâtre d’un durcissement religieux dont les femmes sont les premières victimes, particulièrement celles qui sont incarcérées.
Sudan needs to deal with its dual Arab and sub-Saharan African legacy as race politics affects all citizens, from the clients of Khartoum's beauty parlours to the rape victims in Darfur.