Publication Author: 
February 1986
number of pages: 
Languages available: 
English and French
Cover image

This Dossier 1 is our first compilation of papers, reports, appeals and other material on and around lives and struggles of women living under muslim laws. The Dossier is intended to be a sort of an information-pack helping facilitate the exchange of informtion amongst women and women's groups. 


  1. Introduction
  2. Documents pertaining to the Network Women Living Under Muslim Laws
  3. An association for the Defence of Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the Arab world
  4. A letter from a group of Iranian women living in exile in the UK
  5. A new Family Code in Egypt and the formation of ‘Arab Women’s Solidarity Association’ (AWSA)
  6. Appeals and documents from women’s and human rights campaigns in Algeria
  7. Reconstructing virginity for survival …
  8. Information from the ‘Collective for the Solidarity with Divorced mothers seeking custody of their children’
  9. Extracts from Women In Nigeria (WIN) Newsletter and a research paper on Nigeria: Women’s Liberation: Myth or Reality?
  10. Women and Muslim Personal Law in India: news reports
  11. Reports and documents on women and the women’s movement in Pakistan