Dossier 1
Publication Author:
February 1986
number of pages:
Languages available:
English and French This Dossier 1 is our first compilation of papers, reports, appeals and other material on and around lives and struggles of women living under muslim laws. The Dossier is intended to be a sort of an information-pack helping facilitate the exchange of informtion amongst women and women's groups.
- Introduction
- Documents pertaining to the Network Women Living Under Muslim Laws
- An association for the Defence of Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the Arab world
- A letter from a group of Iranian women living in exile in the UK
- A new Family Code in Egypt and the formation of ‘Arab Women’s Solidarity Association’ (AWSA)
- Appeals and documents from women’s and human rights campaigns in Algeria
- Reconstructing virginity for survival …
- Information from the ‘Collective for the Solidarity with Divorced mothers seeking custody of their children’
- Extracts from Women In Nigeria (WIN) Newsletter and a research paper on Nigeria: Women’s Liberation: Myth or Reality?
- Women and Muslim Personal Law in India: news reports
- Reports and documents on women and the women’s movement in Pakistan