[state] state, gender, identity

Women's rights activist Ghada Jamsheer was found not guilty of defaming a Sharia judge by the Lower Criminal Court on 28 December 2005. The court ruled that there was not enough evidence to prosecute Ms Jamsheer because the judge only had one witness who supported his claim against her.
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports.
Nous avons reçu un appel urgent de l'association "20 ans barakat" - Ile de France, attirant notre attention sur des abus d'autorité contre les femmes, de la part d'officiers d'état civil algériens.
Lawyers for the dead man's relatives say the ruling leaves non-Muslims little protection in family disputes considered under Islamic law.
With meaningful political influence a distant dream, the social consequences of effective disenfranchisement are dire.
This story has grave implications, not merely as a case of atrocities on 'religious minorities' but where an ideology of religious genocide uses such a technique on young 'unmarried' women - whether through threat of rape or this kind of imprisonment.
According to some, despite Russia's secular status Christian symbolism is becoming ever more pervasive in official circles.
لَقِّم المحتوى