[state] state, gender, identity

An open letter to the Afghan authorities and international community from Afghan civil society in response to the assassination of Safia Amajan and increasing violence against women, especially those in public life.
Pourquoi l'affaire des « caricatures de Mahomet » est-elle partie du Danemark ? Existe-t-il dans ce pays une « communauté musulmane » ? Qui sont ses représentants auto-proclamés ?
This website, from the Information Bahrain Center for Human Rights, details some of the latest information about violations of women citizens and foreign workers rights.
Iranian women’s rights activists are initiating a wide campaign demanding an end to legal discrimination against women in Iranian law. The Campaign aims to collect one million signatures to demand changes to discriminatory laws against women and is a follow-up effort to the peaceful protest of the same aim, which took place on June 12, 2006 in Haft-e Tir Square in Tehran.
On 6 September, Women’s Learning Partnership will launch an international campaign in support of a 7 country regional campaign for Arab women’s right to nationality in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Syria.
L'Algérienne Assia Djebar, première personnalité maghrébine élue à l'Académie française, dont l'oeuvre romanesque défend les droits des femmes dans le monde musulman, est reçue ce jeudi sous la Coupole.
لَقِّم المحتوى