Other Publications

Walking a Tightrope: Women and Veiling in the United Kingdom by Ayesha Salma Kariapper examines the ways in which public debates over the headscarf and the full-face veil have shaped the strategies of women from Muslim communities, strategies developed to deal with the limitations imposed on them in the name of religion, culture, tradition and identity within the community, and with racism and exclusion from mainstream society. You can now download the book for free!

As feminists - organizations and activists, working across global movements centered on human rights, sustainable development, and economic and social justice - we have come together in a moment of collective organizing to outline key principles for a just and resilient recovery from the ongoing global pandemic, as well as to track responses and uplift collective action of feminists around the world.

See the full website: https://www.feministcovidresponse.com/

Based on discussions and conclusions of the 2017 Montreal meeting and subsequent discussions with various active networkers, the following area of activities

Transnational feminism and inter-generational dialogues in times of politics backlash against globalization


Women Living under Muslim Law’s major programme Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation (WELDD) ended at year-end 2015, and reporting on the programme completed in June 2016. WLUML did not have any major collective field programmes in 2016. However, it continued to have discussion groups, carried on networking and make the existing WLUML and our sister organization’s resources available to those who requested them, as well as making these available on site. It continued with Publications, Communications, and had one key advocacy campaign.

 Activities and areas of work in 2015 include: Women's empowerment and leadership, development for democratisation, websites: WLUML, VNC & WELDD, 16 days of activism, publications, online office, and strategic developm

At the end of 2014, we would like to say a heart-felt “thank you” to all our supporters for their continued backing.

We know that now more than ever our voice is needed to stand up for women’s rights in a climate of rising fundamentalisms, shrinking civil society space, and heightened conflict. After beginning a strategic planning process in October to assess the changing environment, we continue and aim to be ready for 2015 with new ideas, re-vitalised direction, and continued dedication.


The issue of Violence against Women in the public sphere has been a major source of concern over the past few years, especially in the four years following the January 25th Revolution in 2011. Discussion of what Women have to endure in the public sphere became commonplace on many platforms, including the media and social networking sites. It has also become a leading item on the agendas of many feminist organizations and various groups which seek to confront the exacerbating and increasingly frequent phenomenon.

Les armes se sont à peine tues après plusieurs années de lutte entre groupes fratricides, que la Sierra Leone est revenue à la une de l’actualité africaine, pour un fait classé divers. En effet, le quotidien sénégalais, Le Soleil, rapportant une dépêche de l’Agence France-Presse, titrait : « Arrêt des excisions pendant le Ramadan » (20 janvier 1977). Quelques semaines plus tôt, la même agence s’était fait l’écho d’un événement survenu dans un camp de réfugiés de Grafton, à une centaine de Km de Freetown, la capitale.

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