
En ce premier anniversaire du 11 septembre 2001.
WLUML notices with dismay that the attention of the international mainstream media is focused on a single event that, although tragic and condemnable, overwhelms all of the other issues which remain to be addressed and resolved.
تلاحظ بقلق شبكة"النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين" , في الذكرى السنوية الأولى لأيلول الحادي عشر, بان انتباه وسائل الإعلام العالمية يتركز على حدث واحد ووحيد, بالرغم من ا نه مأساوي ويستوجب الإدانة, إلا أنها بهذا تهمش كل القضايا التي يجب مناقشتها ومعالجتها.
Creating a culture that says NO to violence against women.
First meeting of the Assembly of States Parties.
More than 600 September 11 survivors and victims' families have filed a $100 trillion suit accusing the Saudi royal family, seven international banks, charities and others of financing Osama bin Laden's terrorist network.
Un collectif de familles de victimes du 11 septembre a déposé jeudi une plainte contre tous ceux – pays, organisations ou dirigeants politiques – qui sont susceptibles d’avoir financé Al-Qaïda.
Des groupes mettent en garde contre la politisation des juges de la Cour penale internationale.
Women's rights in Muslim laws is a topic that has become more and more sensitive with the passing of Sharia Acts in several states in Nigeria. This began with Zamfara State in November 1999, but presently also includes Niger, Sokoto, and Kano.
Despite the increasing importance that early warning systems are playing in identifying areas at risk of violent conflict and appropriate response options, gender still remains largely absent in conflict prevention and early warning programmes.
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