[fund] persecution of opposition

We, members of the Senegalese Feminist Forum, would like to express our full support for the Malian people and especially to the women who are woefully underrepresented in these critical moments of the country's political life.

لقي الوزير المسيحي الوحيد في الحكومة الفدرالية الباكستانية مصرعه برصاص مسلحين، وذلك على خلفية معارضته لـ"قانون التجديف". وقد جاء اغتيال وزير الأقليات، شهباز باتي، بعد شهرين فحسب من اغتيال حاكم البنجاب سلمان تسير، الذي كان يدعو هو الآخر لإصلاح هذا القانون. وقالت الشرطة إن سيارة باتي، الكاثوليكي الذي يناهز عمره الأربعينات، تعرضت لوابل من الرصاص في وضح النهار خارج بيت أسرته قرب سوق بالعاصمة إسلام آباد.

During the day, election-related violence claimed at least eight lives. Early results from the poll – described by domestic and international observers as "breathtaking" in its levels of fraud – suggest that the ruling National Democratic party (NDP) has captured 96% of the seats, while the 88 opposition members from the Muslim Brotherhood, could be erased to zero. 

From 8 am to 10 am on Election Day, monitors from the Independent Coalition for Elections Observation reported the following: The Interior Ministry refused to legalize candidates’ proxies (representatives who enter the polling centers). Moreover, representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition candidates who did receive accreditation, were not allowed in the polling stations.  Meanwhile, supporters of the National Democratic Party (NDP) continued advertising for their candidates inside the polling centers, even though campaigning is forbidden on Election Day. 

"My trial took only few minutes. The judge accused me of being the “enemy of God” and said that I shall be executed soon”. The Kurdish female political prisoner on death raw is in a critical condition in Iranian detention but prison’s officials don’t permit her to be seen by doctor, a report said on Thursday. Zeyneb Celaliyan 27 year old from the city of Maku of Eastern Kurdistan was sentenced to death and has been subjected to unbearable excruciation ever since. Celalyan was arrested in Kermanshah for her alleged involvement in the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). She was given death sentence in a show trial which only lasted few minutes without having solicitor.

 Iranian human rights activists are calling on the international community not to ignore human rights violations in Iran during their planned talkslater this week. Iran has agreed to 5+1 talks (UN permanent members and Germany) as proposed by the European Union's high representative on foreign affairs, Catherine Ashton. Of "utmost urgency" is the case of the Iranian human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotudeh, who has been on hunger strike in the notorious Evin prison since 28 September. Her husband says her condition is deteriorating and she has lost a lot of weight. Although Sotudeh briefly broke her hunger strike in October she has been refusing food again. For over a week she has also refused water.

With the increasing pressures the maneuvering room for human rights defenders and human rights lawyers is becoming greatly constrained.  Vivid examples of these pressures include some of the following: the closure and prevention of the activities of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, the repeal of accreditation of lawyers to practice law, the arrest of human rights defenders and lawyers.

 في يوم الأربعاء الموافق 2010/10/13 بدأت حملة حقوقية واسعة لطلب الإفراج عن السجينة ظلماً سمر محمد بدوي بأمر القاضي رئيس المحكمة الجزئية عبد الله العثيم ، وطالبت الحملة بمحاسبة هذا القاضي الذي أودع سمر السجن مدة ستة شهور ونصف دون محاكمة أو حتى استدعاء لجلسة واحدة، مزوراً بذلك أمر قبض يفتري فيه على قرار وزير الداخلية 1900 الخاص بالجرائم الموجبة للتوقيف من أن العقوق من موجباته، رغم أنه لم ينص إلا ،على ضرب الوالدين وسمر هي المعنفة بتقرير الحاكم الإداري الأمير خالد الفيصل

Following publication of news about Nasrin Sotoudeh’s hunger strike in prison and her interrogations under duress, Shirin Ebadi, head of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that she is appealing to the world to object to the Sotoudeh’s arrest in order to help her. Ebadi also said she is deeply concerned about Sotoudeh’s health conditions.

In the Name of Almighty. Your Excellency, With Salutations and Greetings, Peace, international and national security, social, economic, judicial and political stability and the privileges of a peaceful life, and even more importantly equality, fraternity and avoidance of violence, tyranny and oppression and other unjust discriminations can only become possible in the third millennium and come to a desirable conclusion worthy of proper human dignity, only if all the world leaders show determination and take steps in preserving human rights and human dignity and convince  the countries which abuse human rights to safeguard the inherent human dignity and grace.

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