[fund] persecution of opposition

Nafiseh Azad, Bigard Ebrahimi and a third person who wishes to remain anonymous at this point, were arrested 30 January.
Front Line est préoccupée par la campagne de diffamation engagée contre Mme Sihem Bensedrine, porte-parole du Conseil national pour les libertés en Tunisie – CNLT, et éditrice en chef du journal en ligne et radio Kalima.
Une militante iranienne des droits de la femme a commencé de purger une peine de trois ans de prison pour avoir pris part à une manifestation en 2006 à Téhéran, annonce lundi une de ses camarades de lutte.
Specter of Torture and Ill-Treatment Rises High for Baha’is in Prison.
Le 21 décembre 2008, le siège du Centre des défenseurs des droits de l’’Homme, à Téhéran, organisation membre de la FIDH en Iran, a été brutalement perquisitionné sans mandat d’un juge et fermé par la police.
Ms. Jinus Sobhani is the administrative assistant of the Defenders of Human Rights Centre (DHRC) and the Centre for the Mine Cleanup Project (CMCP), two organisations founded by Shirin Ebadi and both arbitrarily closed down in December 2008.
Dah Theater, which has crafted street performances and theatrical plays protesting militarism, nationalism, gender inequality, and the clericalization of Serbian society for over 15 years, has had their offices ransacked and property stolen.
According to Algerian Newspaper El Watan, last September a young women aged 26 was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Biskra, southern Algeria, where she is already detained for previous offence. She is accused of having damaged a Quran.
Mehboba Ahdyar was to be the poster-child for the Olympics but the 19-year-old Afghan runner ran away from an Italian training camp last week. She has since told her parents she is too scared of reprisals and plans to seek asylum in Europe.
Pour que Mohamed Sifaoui bénéficie d'une protection policière !
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