[fund] persecution of opposition

Le réseau Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) tenons exprimer notre profonde préoccupation face aux jugements draconiens que vient d’édicter le Tribunal Révolutionnaire de Téhéran à l’encontre de nombreuses femmes.
Four women's rights activists, Nasrin Afzali, Nahid Jafari, Zeinab Peighambar-zadeh, and Minou Mortazi, have been given suspended sentences of whipping (10 lashes) and six months imprisonment.
Khadijeh Moghaddam, a women's human rights activist, was arrested at her home on April 8th. She is a member of the One Million Signatures Campaign calling for equal rights between men and women in Iran. Many members of the Campaign have been harassed and arrested. A non-violent advocate of change, Ms. Moghaddam is currently being detained in solitary confinement, on charges related to propaganda, influencing public opinion and threatening national security.
Zanan Magazine, a reform-minded feminist magazine has been active in promoting women's rights for the last 16 years. Authorities revoked its license and friends in Tehran worry there will be no avenue for appeal. Read the petition and sign on!
The refusal of a judge to allow the use of a Moroccan Berber name that parents wanted to give to their adopted daughter has aroused discontent among Moroccan organizations of human rights.
Vigilantes kidnap reporter Muneeza Jahangir, daughter of leading Pakistani women's human rights activist, lawyer, and United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir.
"L’écrivain bangladaise Taslima Nasreen, qui vit en exil en Inde, est chassée de ville en ville sous la pression de groupes islamistes qui veulent la faire expulser de ce pays, voire l’assassiner, pour ses blasphèmes supposés envers l’islam."
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