
Since the dispersal of the sit-in on June 3rd 2019, human rights defenders continue to share information that portrays the violence used by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The internet remains partially inaccessible as the shutdown continues, and the majority of WHRDs remain in isolation, unable to communicate with each other and with the outside world. The Central Sudan Doctors Committee announced that the death toll has reached 113 martyrs who were shot, burned and run over, in addition to thousands of injured civilians.

On March 9th, 2018, one day after International Women’s Rights Day, while many of us continued to reflect on our struggles and the road ahead of us, Mr. Songué, a high school philosophy teacher, made a statement pertaining to women on the set of the TV show Jaakarlo. “We should be making formal complaints because you’re doing everything for us to rape you, and when we rape you, we go to prison and you, who have done everything for us to rape you, continue to be free.

His Excellency

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Office of the President

Al Ittihadia Palace

Cairo, Egypt

Fax: +202 2 391 1441

Email: p.spokesman@op.gov.eg

Twitter: @AlsisiOfficial

31 March 2016


Your Excellency:


File 3519


Source: Women’s Political Participation Committee in Afghanistan

January 21, 2016- Kabul, Afghanistan 

Originially published on FreeThoughtBlogs.com, adapted and republished for WLUML with the consent of Maryam Namazie.

Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) strongly condemns the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the name of “Islam” in the past weeks.

We mourn our dead in Paris and stand in solidarity with the people of France.

UN Human Rights Council is currently having its 29th session (from 15 June – 3 July 2015).  One of the resolutions being discussed is the regressive 'Protection of the Family' resolution.  

This poses a huge threat to the rights of women and sexual minorities.  Let your government know that you oppose the resolution.

WLUML condemns the backlash faced by Sri Lankan Human Rights Defender, Sharmila Seyyid, and calls for her security and freedom to be guaranteed.
In November 2012, Ms.

Along with the other members of the Women's Alliance for Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) condemns the terrorism charges against Silan Ozcelik for allegedly trying to join the fight against ISIS.

File 3412

Via Egypt Solidarity 

Join the international campaign against Egypt’s repressive protest law and to free the thousands of detainees seized by the military regime.

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