
The Sudanese security in Kadugli the capital of South Kordofan/Nuba mountains state , started arrest campaign against women in Kadugli , the campaign started in early November where women had been called for investigations in Security offices in Kadugly about their relations to the Sudanese Peoples liberation Movement/ North , which fighting the Sudanese government in the region since June 2011. Witnesses informed Arry that women  in the first week had been released always in the end of the day , but the campaign intensified since November 10th , where 15 women called for investigations and not been released until now.

We live in historic times. People in the Arab world are rising up against political dictatorship and corruption; they demand reforms and are organizing for freedom, human dignity and social justice. Women have been shouldering the responsibilities in all uprisings and their movement is an integral part of the democratic forces for social and economic justice. But they are systematically excluded from the decision making processes that shape the future of their countries. What democracies are then being prepared and negotiated?

Women’s rights activist Maryam Bahreman remains in detention despite an order from the Prosecutor’s office in Shiraz to release her on bail at the start of July. Amnesty International considers her to be a prisoner of conscience, held solely for the peaceful exercise of her rights to freedom of expression and association. See WLUML's action alert here and/or follow the instructions in the Amnesty letter campaign.

Le réseau international de solidarité, Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) et la campagne "Violence is Not our Culture" (VNC), continuent à appeler à un procès juste pour deux femmes défenseurs des droits humains, membre de conseil de WLUML, Dr Isatou Touray, et Amie Bojang-Cissokho. 

Dr. Isatou Touray and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho are, respectively, the Executive Director and Program Coordinator for the Gambia Committee for Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP), and have for many years been active in the promotion of gender equality, rights of women and children, particularly in the fight against female genital mutilation and other discriminatory practices. In May 2010, the Presidency set up a commission of investigation into the allegation that GAMCOTRAP had been mis-managing donor funds from an organization called Yolocamba Solidaridad.

While various media have published news of an appeals court’s ruling of four years in prison and 74 lashes for human rights activist Shiva Nazar Ahari, her lawyer, Mohammad Sharif has not yet been served with the ruling.  ”I have not yet been officially served with the verdict, and unfortunately, the news was publicized in the media without my knowledge.  I learned about the ruling through the press, too,” he said.

Le réseau international de solidarité, Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) et la campagne "Violence is Not our Culture" (VNC), continuent à appeler à un procès juste pour deux femmes défenseurs des droits humains, membre de conseil de WLUML, Dr Isatou Touray, et Amie Bojang-Cissokho: communiqué de presse de Coalition pour le Droits Humains en Gambie, 24 Novembre 2010Le représentant du ministère public Sainey Joof  a déclaré au Tribunal que l’affaire contre GAMCOTRAP n’est pas civile, mais que c’est l’Etat qui a porté plainte contre les deux femmes. L’audience du procès du Dr. Isatou Touray, Directrice exécutive et Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Coordonnatrice des programmes pour le Comité Gambien sur les pratiques traditionnelles (GAMCOTRAP), n’a finalement pas eu lieu ce lundi 22 novembre 2010 devant le juge Emmanuel Nkea au Tribunal de Banjul. Le ministère public ayant demandé le report du fait de l’absence de témoins à la barre. 

The International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and the Violence is Not our Culture Campaign (VNC), continue to call for the fair trial of two women human rights defenders, WLUML board member, Dr. Isatou Touray, and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho. Coalition for Human Rights in the Gambia Press Release, 24 November 2010: State Prosecution Officer Sainey Joof  told the court that the case against GAMCOTRAP is not a Civil case but it is the State that has brought in the case against the two Senior Officers of the Organisation. The court hearing of the trial of Dr. Isatou Touray, the Executive Director and Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Programme Coordinator for the Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP) failed to proceed yesterday Monday November 22nd 2010 at the Banjul Magistrates Court  before Magistrate Emmanuel Nkea. The prosecution applied for an adjournment of the hearing because their witnesses were not present.

 منظمة التضامن النسائي للتعلّم بالشراكة مع حملة مؤسسة أورات لإغاثة نساء وأطفال ومسني الوطن الأم من الفيضانات. أطلقت مؤسسة أورات، شريكة منظمة التضامن النسائي للتعلّم في باكستان، حملة إغاثة وطنية من جراء الفيضانات بهدف تلبية الإحتياجات الملحة للنساء، الأطفال والمسنين. نحن بحاجة لمساعدتكم/كن للتمكن من توفير الإمدادات الحيوية (اللوازم الحرجة) لضحايا الفيضانات الأكثر عرضة للخطر. تواجه باكستان حالياً أسوأ كارثة في تاريخها، حيث اجتاحت فيضانات ضخمة أجزاء كبيرة من البلاد وأثرت على 20 مليون شخص بصورة مباشرة. إن المعاناة البشرية الناجمة عن هذه الكارثة هائلة، حيث قتل أكثر من 2000 شخص والعدد الى تزايد كل يوم، اضافةً الى تشرد الملايين وحرمانهم من المياه النظيفة والغذاء والإمدادات الطبية. لقد تدهورت الأوضاع الصحية نتيجة هذه الكارثة وبات المرض يشكل تهديدا خطيراً، حيث يواجه 3.5 مليون طفل مشرد خطر الموت جراء أمراض مثل الكوليرا والتيفوئيد والإسهال الناتجة عن تلوث المياه ونقص العناية الصحية. أكثر من 8 مليون فدان من القمح والقطن وقصب السكر والمحاصيل الأخرى خربت (قضت عليها الفيضانات) مما أدى إلى مخاوف كبيرة من انعدام الأمن الغذائي لعدة أشهر مقبلة. (راجع صور الدمار في باكستان) 

SKSW and WLUML are still gravely concerned about the fate of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. On 4 August, Branch 9 of the Supreme Court in Iran began a review of Mohammadi Ashtiani's sentence and agreed to consider a judicial review of the case, submitted by her lawyer. The Supreme Court is expected to either accept or reject the judicial review on or around 15 August. The review appears aimed solely at reducing international pressure on the authorities, by deferring a decision on the method of execution and the stoning sentence remains in place.

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