
Address: Postfach 2565, 72015 Tübingen, Germany

Tel: +49-7071-79 73 0

Fax: +49-7071-79 73 22

The intersectionality of freedom of religion or belief and women’s rights is one of the most complex human rights issues faced by the world today. Down through the centuries, religious extremism and interpretation of holy books have shaped traditions and cultural stereotypes in a number of patriarchal societies. Some of these traditions and stereotypes have been detrimental to women, and have survived until the 3rd millennium. By Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers.

Imams in Saudi Arabia have issued opinions demanding that Muslims in Europe hold themselves apart from 'a faithless world'. Frequently, imams in Germany speak little or no German, and are not acquainted with the country's social and cultural norms.
Le 9 novembre 1938, le régime politique nazi organise dans toute l’Allemagne la première étape de la violente persécution antisémite qui se prolongera ensuite jusqu’à la Shoah.
"According to the German constitution, Muslims do have a right to religious education for their children under the supervision of the state, just as Christians do. Now, for the first time, German schools will have a textbook for Islamic religion classes."
A volunteer rescue organisation in Germany has sheltered more than 100 Muslim women who fear they will be killed if they do not go through with marriages that their families have arranged for them.
Mark Terkessidis questions why, "While we are diligently debating the matter of 'the Muslims,' a whole series of structural problems are completely hidden from view – and the legal and economic situation of immigrants is of practically no concern."
Fort de la confiance que lui témoigne la communauté turque d'Allemagne à la suite de son témoignage, Wallraff a décidé de lire publiquement, dans la future mosquée de Cologne, Les Versets sataniques.