[law] general

Lancée vendredi soir devant le Parlement par Mohammed VI, la réforme de la Moudawana révolutionne du point de vue du droit les relations entre les deux sexes.
Le roi Mohammed VI a mis à profit le discours d'ouverture de la session parlementaire, vendredi 10 octobre, pour annoncer les grandes lignes d'un nouveau code de la famille.
The Afghan Women's Bill of Rights was drafted, signed, and presented to President Hamid Karzai by women leaders from every region of Afghanistan, who participated in the third annual conference of Women for Afghan Women (WAW).
En attendant l’arbitrage Royal sur le projet de réforme de la Moudawana que la Commission consultative a soumis à Sa Majesté, en septembre dernier, la question continue d’animer les débats sur la scène politique.
The conference took place in the context of a surge in extremism and the presentation of the reform draft of the Moroccan Family Law “Moudawana” prepared by the consultative commission to the King.
Pakistan and the United Kingdom have agreed to set up a body in each country to assist those seeking legal assistance relating to the wrongful and illegal removal of children.
On July 11, the African Union adopted the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, a supplementary protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
Il y aura bientôt vingt ans que le Code de la Famille est en vigueur en Algérie.
More information on the campaign that seeks to repeal the Family law - or personal status law - that has, since 1984, institutionalised the inferiority of Algerian women for the last 20 years.