Violence against women

ECWR were so shocked and outraged by the reported attacks on women during Eid Al-Fitr that they dedicated their latest newsletter to the issue of sexual harassment, a growing problem in Egypt.
L'AFEPEC s'est engagée aux côtés des victimes de Hassi Messaoud en coordination avec d'autres associations des droits des femmes en décembre 2004.
Human rights organisations and individuals have been threatened with violence, including rape, for speaking out on the current impasse. Imrana Jalal of The Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, and WLUML networker, received threatening phone calls last week.
So this is the story of the week, an elderly woman blew herself up in Gaza on November 23. It is extremely sad that the only way a woman’s life story can be told, is through her taking not only her own life, but the lives of others.
On December 10 – Human Rights Day – people around the world will be join together to denounce the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war in Darfur and to show solidarity with the women and girls of Darfur.
Des leaders musulmans ont appelé lors d’une conférence internationale au Caire, à interdire les mutilations génitales féminines et à punir les auteurs de cette coutume. Ils ont indiqué dans leur déclaration finale que la pratique va à l’encontre du Coran.
The Minister of Justice and spokesman for the Judiciary, Mr. Jamal Karimi-Rad, is the first Iranian judicial authority who has made official remarks in reaction to the Stop Stoning Forever campaign. In a press conference held on November 21, 2006, he denied that stoning is practiced as a punishment in Iran.