Violence against women

WLUML networkers contributed to this UN study on violence against women, that classifies abuse against women -­ whether it happens in the home or elsewhere - as a human rights violation.
Ashiana provides temporary, safe, supportive housing for south Asian, Turkish and Iranian women between the ages of 16-30 who are experiencing domestic violence as well as a safe house for young women between 16 - 25 who are at risk of forced marriage.
For 15 years, Somalia was ruled by clan-based strongmen, each with his own private army. Over that period of chaos, violence and war, the women of Mogadishu have risked their lives time and again -- and in the process changed their country.
While Yemen struggles to prove it is fertile ground for freedom and democracy, its efforts are often thwarted by ingrained traditions at odds with those concepts.
An open letter to the Afghan authorities and international community from Afghan civil society in response to the assassination of Safia Amajan and increasing violence against women, especially those in public life.
Qatar will soon have its first ever facility and shelter for women and children who are victims of abuse. Two facilities, a specialised centre for health and psychological treatment of victims and a shelter, will be set up.
The study, which provides the first reliable evidence that female genital mutilation can adversely affect birth outcomes, was undertaken by African and international researchers in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Sudan.
Le Centre de recherche et de formation des femmes arabes (CAWTAR) a organisé un cours de formation régional à Tunis, les 19 et 20 septembre, en partenariat avec le des Nations Unies pour les femmes (UNIFEM).