Violence against women

The Tribunal forms part of activities to commemorate 16 days of activism against gender violence 2006, to provide a forum for victims of women’s human rights abuse to speak out against the violations and attract public condemnations of the abuses.
A delegation from the Pakistani Women's Commission today said it was putting pressure on the government for enacting laws that would not let the perpetrators of honour crimes get away.
Human Rights Watch reports that a significant number of women and girls are victims of violence perpetrated by family members & intimate partners. While there is increasing recognition of the problem, little action has been taken to address these abuses.
Pakistan's national assembly has voted to amend the country's strict Sharia laws on rape and adultery.
In response to the incidents of sexual harassment reported during the Eid holiday and the rising frequency and severity of sexual harassment of women, please join us in speaking out.
Scores of Egyptian women demonstrated in Cairo against sexual harassment on Thursday in response to reports that gangs of young men attacked women in the street at random and groped them last month.
Le procès des 39 femmes agressées, violées, lynchées, lacérées de coups de couteau, enterrées vivantes par une foule de voisins du quartier d’El-Haïcha, dans la wilaya de Hassi-Messaoud dans la nuit du 13 juillet 2001 ...
WLUML supports, and urges you to support, this campaign with the objective of changing the Islamic Penal Code of Iran so that stoning will never again be issued as a sentence or practiced as a punishment.
This edition includes articles on the war on Lebanon, feminist therapy, sexual harassment at the workplace; an interview with a woman refugee from Sah’mata, a poem on a victim of honour crime and the Assiwar six-monthly report (January - June 2006).