Violence against women

In a special interview with IRIN, Yakin Ertürk said that the rule of law had been women's best friend globally, but that violence against women persisted everywhere, even in developed democracies, partly because so many abuses occur in the private sphere.
An Egyptian woman, Wafa, who was subjected to physical abuse by her husband and his sister-in-law, has been provided shelter following intervention in her case by the Saudi Arabian Human Rights Commission.
Members of 70 villages from the country’s northeastern Matam region have publicly renounced female genital mutilation (FGM) as well as forced and early marriages.
Experts believe that eradicating female genital mutilation (FGM) in Yemen will be a long and arduous process. The United Nations Childrens fund (UNICEF), estimate that FGM is still practiced on approximately two million girls every year.