Violence against women

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign, now in its fifteenth year, is an international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.
Nearly five years after Congolese rebels introduced rape as a psychological weapon in the Central African Republic (CAR), individual victims and the nation as a whole are still dealing with the fallout.
Près de cinq ans après la guerre civile en RCA, conflit au cours duquel les rebelles congolais ont fait du viol une arme psychologique contre la population, les victimes et la nation toute entière traînent encore les séquelles de ces actes barbares.
A German aid group finds the first solid proof of the practice, thought to be prevalent in the Middle East.
Fille d'un ex-combattant de l'armée française, Kankou va être expulsée au Mali, où sa grand-mère veut la mutiler.
In honour-and-shame cultures like those of India and Pakistan, male honour resides in the sexual probity of women, and the "shaming" of women dishonours all men.
Television viewers in Afghanistan were mesmerised recently by a hard-hitting edition of a TV programme, Corridors, on the privately-run Tolo TV station.
Australian girls as young as 14 have been flown overseas and forced to marry older men in an attempt by their families to protect them from promiscuity and Western influences at home.
Her reprimand comes in the run-up to a government decision about criminalising forced marriages in Germany, after a recommendation from the upper house of parliament on July 8 that the practice be banned.
Just as Iraqi women were anticipating a new era of democracy and freedom, a wave of intimidation by extremist groups has arisen to crush their hopes.