Violence against women

Rania al-Baz's popularity as a TV news presenter was always an implicit threat to Saudi Arabia's repressive, male-dominated culture but it wasn't until her husband beat her, and she published the photos of her injuries, that she shook Saudi society.
What has changed and how? An interview with Asma Jehangir - Human Rights activist, Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) - who speaks on strategies of change in the context women's rights in Pakistan.
Sending girls overseas for marriage against their will was "tantamount to sexual trafficking" and offenders would be severely punished, the federal Government has warned.
A Turkish immigrant has confessed to shooting dead his 23-year-old sister because he "could not accept her morals".
Méprisée et traumatisée par des années de malheurs et de peines, la femme algérienne n'a pas courbé l'échine, même devant la barbarie terroriste de la décennie noire (1992-2002).
Any foreign male who wishes to marry a Yemeni woman must have an acceptance of marriage from the authority of his country.