Violence against women

Women in Mauritania who press charges for sexual assault face the risk of jail time because of poorly defined laws and stigma that criminalise victims rather than offenders, according to a local UN-funded non-profit.
Marking the first time the Organization of American States’ court has heard a Mexican femicide case, the historic legal proceeding centers on the slayings of three young women who were found with five other female victims in Ciudad Juarez in 2001.
A l’occasion de la Journée de tolérance zéro contre les MGF, le 6 février 2008, plus de 100 représentants des organisations internationales, de la société civile, des médias, des missions diplomatiques et des autorités genevoises se sont réunis.
The global fight to end violence against women and girls gathered momentum as the European Parliament called on the European Commission to designate a “European Year on Zero Tolerance of Violence against Women” to highlight the issue in the next 5 years.
Sharaf Heroes is an anti-honour violence project launched in 2003 by the anti-racist and feminist Swedish organisation Electra. It seeks to educate young men from different backgrounds and religions in human rights and equality.
A Saudi judge refused for the second time to grant an eight-year-old girl a divorce from her 47-year-old husband. The Unaizah Court ruled that the girl cannot file for divorce until she reaches puberty.
Femmes sous lois musulmanes et ses alliés demandent que l’Arabie Saoudite démontre son attachement aux droits humains et libère Khamisa Sawadi, Fahd Al-Anzi et Hadiyan Bin Zein et révoque l’ordre d’expulsion.
Village chiefs, community members and women who perform female genital cutting have signed an agreement stating that girls in northern Kambia district will not undergo genital mutilation – or ‘cutting’ – before age 18.
Mashoor Basissy, MOWA’s director in the West Bank, brings a fresh male perspective to the growing problem of domestic violence against Palestinian women.
GVEI starts from the hypothesis that the existing systems of indicators of GV at the European level do not pay attention to the specific and multidimensional effects that violence against women has on women’s life.