Violence against women

The women’s rural network said a permanent presence of prosecutors devoted to rape cases is needed close to where they live to ensure cases are handled without delay.
Mukhtar Mai’s case has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 at the Supreme Court of Pakistan at Islamabad. Ms Mai was just informed by the office of her council Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan. This is an astonishing move. Since 2005, Mukhtar Mai’s case was pending before the Supreme Court without any hearings being scheduled. There continues to be political influence in this case and regular serious threats to her life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against her perpetrators.
There continues to be political interference in this case and regular serious threats to Ms Mai's life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against the 13 accused of gang-raping her in 2002.
Over the last two weeks, several women have been violently attacked in Bangalore for wearing jeans, going out in the street, and resisting 'moral policing'.
More than 80 attacks and cases of moral policing have been reported from all over Karnataka in the last six months.
Au Bangladesh, en dépit de lois édictées depuis 2002, les femmes sont toujours victimes d'agressions violentes et d'une discrimination contre leur sexe, explique The Daily Star, à Dacca.
There are many laws that are still discriminatory towards women and even those laws that do protect women are not enforced properly.
‘Si nous ne nous décidons pas à agir, nous ne cesserons de payer les conséquences. Le cas de la récente lapidation d’une femme par son mari dans le quartier populaire de Yeumbeul en est la preuve’, souligne Codou Bop.
The murder of a Pakistani-American woman forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the prevalence of domestic violence.
Amer Butt a démontré à travers ses déclarations qu’il était incapable de remettre en question ce qui l’avait conduit à ce geste de barbarie.